Channel: Free Market Forever » Asians
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Why anti semites accuse jews of positive terms?

This is actually pretty comical. Her, in Asia, if we hate someone, we call them idiots even though those who we hate, like politicians, are actually very smart. Thanks to anti semitism, many asians...

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Hvorfor vestlig kultur avskyr polygami samtidig er ettergivende mot utroskap...

That’s basically the essence of western sexual morality. Anyone can bang your wife but you (marital rape is illegal), and any kid deserve your money, except yours. Okay that’s a joke. But if you...

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Rascism og Sexisme er bare farlig når regjeringen blir involvert

The most racist laws are minimum wage laws. It’s purpose is to make racism cheap for white bosses and keep black guys out of job. It discriminates against non racists white bosses. The most sexist laws...

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Vil mediocres undertrykke den svært talentfulle mennesker

Gjør svært talentfulle mennesker undertrykte? I forhold til hva? I forhold til ren libertarianisme? JA. BIG JA. Jeg liker å kalle det “Spillet balansering” snarere enn undertrykkelse faktisk. Yea it...

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Tre måter å se drittsekker

Actually there are 3 ways to see assholes 1. Assholes 2. He’s not an asshole, you’re the one that’s too dumb 3. Actually the asshole is right all along. It’s the way the game should be played in the...

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Why anti semites accuse jews of positive terms?

This is actually pretty comical. Here, in Asia, if we hate someone, we call them idiots even though those who we hate, like politicians, are actually very smart. Thanks to anti semitism, many asians...

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Why does western culture detest polygamy while being permissive toward...

That’s basically the essence of western sexual morality. Anyone can bang your wife but you (marital rape is illegal), and any kid deserve your money, except yours. Okay that’s a joke. But if you...

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Rascism and Sexism is only Dangerous When Government Gets Involved

The most racist laws are minimum wage laws. It’s purpose is to make racism cheap for white bosses and keep black guys out of job. It discriminates against non racists white bosses. The most sexist laws...

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Do Mediocres Oppress the Highly Talented People

Do highly talented people oppressed? Relative to what? Relative to pure libertarianism? YES. BIG YES. I like to call that “game balancing” rather than oppression actually. Yea it works the same way....

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Three ways to see assholes

Actually there are 3 ways to see assholes 1. Assholes 2. He’s not an asshole, you’re the one that’s too dumb 3. Actually the asshole is right all along. It’s the way the game should be played in the...

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